Best Nebulizer In India

There is no doubt and question that Covid-19 is a very deadly disease. But the way the whole world is trying to find a cure for this disease, it is becoming clear that soon medicines, vaccines and even inhalers or nebulizers should be available to avoid this disease. The use of  best nebulizer In India increases just after the testing done by a UK company that has found positive results by testing 101 patients and has raised new hope of winning the war against the deadly virus that the entire world is facing.


Not only this testing but many types of research has been done at different levels to find is nebulizer actually effective?


According to the information, Britain’s pharma company Synergan investigated the effect of the inhaled drug in its latest test for the treatment of corona. It was revealed in this trial that this medicine, delivered directly to the lungs through a nebulizer, works to rapidly weaken the virus.


Corona treatment using the nebulizer


The protein used in the SNG001 drug given with the help of a nebulizer is the same protein that our body produces to kill the virus. If this protein also enters our body through the nebulizer, then the virus will be hit hard and it will end soon.


Other use of Nebulizer


A nebulizer is a type of device that is a larger version of a metered-dose inhaler (MDI). It is used for asthma patients or patients with other respiratory problems. They are larger than the size of the inhaler. A nebulizer may be easier to use than an inhaler or MBI, especially for children who cannot use an inhaler properly or for people with severe asthma who have little benefit from an inhaler.


Advantages of Nebulizer


  • Effective in a short period of time – The nebulizer is effective in a short amount of time. Through this, you can get the medicine to your lungs quickly. Other drugs take time to pass through the gastrointestinal tract after entering our body, whereas nebulizers deliver drugs directly into the body through inhalation.
  • EASY TO USE – It’s easy to use when you have an asthma attack. While using it, you do not have much difficulty in breathing and you also need to take deep breaths.
  • More than one medicine at the same time – When using the nebulizer, you can use more than one medicine as a liquid in its container at the same time.
  • For young children and older people – The nebulizer is easy to use for young children and older people.
  • Emergency Situations – Use of the nebulizer develop respiratory problems


Disadvantages of Nebulizer

  • Using the nebulizer while travelling is not easy as you can use the inhaler immediately but before using the nebulizer you have to do some preparations like providing electricity or battery, putting the medicine in the container etc.
  • There are some short term side effects of nebulizer such as headache, shivering or rapid heartbeat etc.
  • Excessive use of nebulizer is harmful to bones.
  • It is the main factor in weight gain.
  • This reduces the body’s immunity to certain other diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes or infections.


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