best resistance bands in India 2021

After or before pandemic resistance popularity is always in trend. Even after the pandemic, the use of resistance bands has increased because it is cheap and can be carried anywhere anytime.

Fitcozi resistance Bands

These elastic bands are used for building muscles, whole-body workout accessories, strength training, etc for many other reasons. Even the world’s best players like Virat Kohli even use resistance bands sometimes for staying in shape.


  • Resistance bands are nothing but stretchable bands with a grid on both sides.
  • Resistance bands not only focused on larger muscles but minor muscles are also stabilized.
  • Even good care like your health given to the resistance bands can last for a long time.
  • With this band one can do bicep curls, squats, crunches, stretching, etc many more exercises can be done with this band.

7 Best resistance Band Brands  Online In India

Now, many of the fitness freaks have confused while buying the resistance bands. So, we are here with the answer: just scroll down and you get the best resistance bands in India which give your body a shape according to your workout.



SLOVIC resistance bands

The SLOVIC band is considered one of the heaviest bands. It is a unisex band. This resistance band comes with more than 20 exercises in their guidebook. The best part about this product is it is good both for beginners and the experts also.

Around 50 kg of force were there and did not have grip handles.

The price of this band starts at around 700.

FITSY resistance bands

The best part about these resistance bands is they are affordable and ideal for any age group. It can be stretched easily and this also came up with the list of exercises.

  • The price of this resistance band is around 600.
  • It is easy to use and came up with durability.
Spinway latex resistance band

This is ideal for the one who is looking to strengthen multiple muscles without using multiple machines. Spinway latex resistance band having handles on both sides of the grip.

Sunshine Adjustable Multi-function 5

This is made up of latex rubber and along with that, it has low elasticity. As it comes with good stretchability it is easy to use. The price of this rubber tube chest expander gym equipment is near to 1000.

Reebok Heavy Resistance Tube

Reebok itself is a popular brand. Who doesn’t know the name of the reebok when it comes to the topic of fitness. These brand bands have a free size which makes these bands unique from the rest. The quality of these bands was also high and it is usually suitable for exercise. This band is coming up with a small, high, and medium-level fitness set.

Bodylastics Resistance Bands

It is ideal for squats, hips & glutes. If you are looking for heavy workouts like hips and glutes this is ideal for you. This set came up with 4 levels- light, medium, heavy and heavier. This band is unisex and ideal for any age group. These odor-free bands are made up of latex rubber.

Fitcozi Resistance Band

Fitcozi offers high-class quality resistance bands in India with budget prices and fully made-in-India products available in retails stores and all online stores like Amazon, Healkit and Flipkart.

You can use bands for whole-body workouts or strengthening. Now, burn your calories with your favorite band.


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